Saturday, April 7, 2018


1.       C was primarily developed as a:
(a)    System Programming
(b)   General Programming Purpose
(c)    Data structure
(d)   None of these
2.       Choose the correct answer:
(a)    Use of goto enhances the logical clarity of a code
(b)   Use of goto makes the debugging task easier
(c)    Use goto when you want to jump out of nested loop
(d)   Never use goto
3.       Length of the string “Correct” is :
(a)    7
(b)   8
(c)    6
(d)   1
4.       Int x,y=2,z,a;
(a)    7
(b)   6
(c)    8
(d)   Compile time error
5.       C is a
(a)    High level language
(b)   Low level language
(c)    High level language with some low level language
(d)   Machine language
6.       A destructor
(a)    Has a return type
(b)   Can have parameters
(c)    Has same name as class
(d)   None of the above

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