Sunday, July 8, 2018

RKCL/RSCIT JULY 2018 Paper Solution

RKCL/RSCIT JULY 2018 Paper Solution

1. Mail Merge feature is available in ?
Ans: MS-Word 2010

2. Statement I: The Primary function of network router is to route data packet to other network.              Statement II : Web Browser is an example of application Software.
Ans: both are correct.

3. Which Process is related to search engine?
Ans; URL,IP and Mac Address.

4. what is shortkey to redo the last activity in MS-Word 2010?
Ans; ctrl + z

5. which pane display contain associated with the sender of a selected email message in MS Outlook 2010?
Ans; Navigation

6. Why tow wires are twisted together in twisted pair wire cable ?
Ans; To reduce cross talk and electromagnetic induction.

7.Select the most appropriate option from the following?
Ans: Process management routines, memory management routines and I/O control routines are the examples of application software.

8. What is address of top left most cell in Ms Excel 2010?
Ans: A1

9. If you want to save the document in different formats such as Word 97-2003, word template, PDF and many other format, than you can use
Ans: Save as

10. Which is the following is harmful to your computer system?
Ans; virus

11. Which of the following is output device?
Ans; Headphone

12............... is ref to web resources that specifies its location on a computer network and mechanism for retrieving it
Ans: Uniform resource locator

13. while online shopping , which would make your transaction safe or secure?

14. which one is not a type of smart art in Ms powerpoint 2010.
Ans: cycle

15. suppose we want to keep rows and  columns visible while the rest  of the worksheet scrolls based on current selection then we can choose........ in Msexcel.
Ans; Page Layout the area in windows 10 that contains a background picture, icons and the taskbar.
Ans; Desktop.

17. which tool is used to graphically represent the data in Ms excel 2010.
Ans; Pivot table

18.......................... Is an input device used to input audio data into computer.
Ans Microphone contains several options such as page number, word count , proof check etc in ms word 2010.
Ans Status

20. The printer output quality is measured in terms of:
Ans: Dots Per Inches

21. .......... is an application program that is used to view/ read PDF files.
Ans Adobe Reader

22. =12+26*33
Ans 90

23. Network Congestion occurs:
Ans: in case of traffic overloading

24.In MsExcel 2010 tools used for unknown value.
Ans Goal Seek

25. which  memory is used to store most frequently accessed information from the RAM?
Ans Main Memory

26.Mother board is example.
Ans Processing Device

27........are animation like effects that occur when you move from one slide to another slide during slideshow?
Ans slide transitions

28.Correct Statements
Ans You can hide the selected or current slide from present ion.

29. In Ms excel 2010, what is the keyboard shortcut key for creating a chart from the selected cells.
Ans F11

30 What is skype
Ans: video calling and messing service

31. Ms Access automatically creates the first filed for each new table called id, ?
Ans: To uniquely identify the record.

32. VOIP
Ans Voice Over Internet Protocol

33. Which user account full access to every setting on the computer in Windows 10?
Ans Administrator

34. Suppose you want to repeat a text like company name and page numbers on each page then which feature is appropriate in MS Word 2010.
Ans Header and footer

35. Which is often referred as a username or recipient in
Ans rscit

Saturday, April 7, 2018


1.       C was primarily developed as a:
(a)    System Programming
(b)   General Programming Purpose
(c)    Data structure
(d)   None of these
2.       Choose the correct answer:
(a)    Use of goto enhances the logical clarity of a code
(b)   Use of goto makes the debugging task easier
(c)    Use goto when you want to jump out of nested loop
(d)   Never use goto
3.       Length of the string “Correct” is :
(a)    7
(b)   8
(c)    6
(d)   1
4.       Int x,y=2,z,a;
(a)    7
(b)   6
(c)    8
(d)   Compile time error
5.       C is a
(a)    High level language
(b)   Low level language
(c)    High level language with some low level language
(d)   Machine language
6.       A destructor
(a)    Has a return type
(b)   Can have parameters
(c)    Has same name as class
(d)   None of the above

Friday, March 16, 2018

IA Basic MCQ set

 Basic(MS Office/Ms Excel/Ms Power Point/Ms Access)

1. IN MS Power point 2010 Format Painter tool is used for:
(a) To paint pretty picture on your slides
(b) To Copy formatting from one object or piece of text and then apply it elsewhere
(c) To change the background color of your slides
(d) To paint pretty pictures on background of slides

2. Which is not a utility program?
(a) Virus scanner
(b) Disk Management
(c) Disk  cleanup
(d) MS Excel

3. To insert three columns between columns D and E, you would
(a) Select Column D
(b) Select Columns D , E and F
(c) Select Columns E, F and G
(d) Select Column E

4. How do you change column width to fit the contents in Excel?
(a) Single click the boundary to the left to the column Heading
(b) Double Click the boundary to the right of column heading
(c) Press Alt and single click anywhere in the column
(d) All of above

5. …….Key is used to open help in MS Word 2010.
(a) F2
(b) F1
(c) F3
(d) F4

6. ……. Key is used to make copyright symbol in MS Word 2010.
(a) Alt + C
(b) Ctrl + C
(c) Alt + Ctrl + C
                                Just Click Here Full MCQ Set

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

IA Operating System Question

. Operating System Question (10 Question)

1.       Two kinds of main memory is :
(a)    Primary Memory and Secondry Memory
(b)   Random and sequential
(c)    Ram and rom
(d)   All of above
2.       What do you call the programs that are used to find out possible faults and their causes?
(a)    Operating system
(b)   Cookies
(c)    Diagnostic Software
(d)   Boot Diskettes
3.       Which of the following is not the classification of computers?
(a)    Electronic computers
(b)   Analog Computers
(c)    Digital Computers
(d)   Hybrid Computers
4.       One millisecond is
(a)    1 second
(b)   10th of seconds
(c)    1000th of a seconds
(d)   10000th of a seconds
5.       A physical connection between the microprocessor memory and other parts of the microcomputer is known as
(a)    Path
(b)   Address bus
(c)    Route
(d)   All of the above
6.                                                                                            Just Click Full Question and Answer

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

IA paper 3

                                         Information Assistant 2018 - Programming Paper
                                                                                                            Just Click Full Question Answer

1  .       main()
      Int a=10;
      a+ = --a+ a++ + --a + a--;
     printf(“%d”, a);

2   .     main(){
     int a=10,b;
     b=++a + --a + ++a - ++a – a++;
     printf(“a= %d , b= %d “,a,b);

3  .    main(){
    int  a=14,b;

4 .     main(){
    int a=5,b=5;
    printf(“a=%d, b=%d\n”,++a,b--);
    printf(“a=%d, b=%d\n”,a,b);
    printf(“a=%d, b=%d\n”,++a,--b--);
    printf(“a=%d, b=%d\n”,a,b);


5 .     main(){
   int x=9;
    printf(“x=%d \n”,x);

                                                                                                                 Just Click Full Question Answer

Thursday, March 8, 2018

IA paper -2 2018

 Programming Paper - 2                                                             Just Click Full Question & Answer "

Q. 1 Variable names beginning with underscore is not encouraged. Why?
a) It is not standardized
b) To avoid conflicts since assemblers and loaders use such names
c) To avoid conflicts since library routines use such names
d) To avoid conflicts with environment variables of an operating system

2.All keywords in C are in
a) Lower Case letters
b) UpperCase letters
c) CamelCase letters
d) None of the mentioned

3.Variable name resolving (number of significant characters for uniqueness of variable) depends on
a) Compiler and linker implementations
b) Assemblers and loaders implementations
c) C language
d) None of the mentioned

4.Which of the following is true for variable names in C?
a) They can contain alphanumeric characters as well as special characters
b) It is not an error to declare a variable to be one of the keywords(like goto, static)
c) Variable names cannot start with a digit
d) Variable can be of any length

5. Which is valid C expression?
a) int my_num = 100,000;
b) int my_num = 100000;
c) int my num = 1000;
d) int $my_num = 10000;

6. What is the output of this C code?
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
printf("Hello World! %d \n", x);
return 0;
a) Hello World! x;
b) Hello World! followed by a junk value
c) Compile time error
d) Hello World!

7. What is the output of this C code?
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int y = 10000;
int y = 34;
printf("Hello World! %d\n", y);
return 0;
a) Compile time error
b) Hello World! 34
c) Hello World! 1000
d) Hello World! followed by a junk value

8.Which of the following is not a valid variable name declaration?
a) float PI = 3.14;
b) double PI = 3.14;
c) int PI = 3.14;
d) #define PI 3.14

9.What will happen if the below program is executed?
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int main = 3;
printf("%d", main);
return 0;
a) It will cause a compile-time error
b) It will cause a run-time error
c) It will run without any error and prints 3
d) It will experience infinite looping

10.Which of the following cannot be a variable name in C?
a) volatile
b) true
c) friend
d) export

Ans: (1) 3 (2) a (3) a (4) C (5) b (6) c (7) a (8) d (9) c (10) a